![Aurora Borealis at the South Pole](http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/Images/aurora_img_2005254.jpg)
I've always been fascinated with the Aurora Borealis. I recently read the Golden Compass whose author makes the northern lights a key part of the story. They are making it into a movie which, from the trailer appears to miss the point of the book. The book is not really about the golden compass, it's about how God and Divine Consciousness manifests in this world and whether or not the church can control it. It's interesting but very, very dark. It's the first of a trilogy. I'll let you know how the others go.
Checkout this amazing video of the Aurora moving around the pole.
Note: This image seem to attract a high number of people my blog through the google image search. If that's how you found me, welcome! This is a blog about using the act of making at as a spiritual path. Click here to see my artwork.